Lifestyle. Beauty.

Young & Free

Can I just take a moment to say AMENNN! I might be a little more than late but I recently heard this song and it's been on repeat, repeat, repeat! Not only does it hype me up and make me want to get up and dance, but it also says everything I feel. 

"In your freedom here I stand, Letting go of all I am, Jesus take control." For those of us who have once felt oppressed and felt stuck, those three lines mean so much. Letting go of our doubts and the only things we know? Yes! Surrendering all that is not right in our lives, things that are out of our control, the what ifs and the what happens next. Believe it or not we can still be at peace, happy and oh wait... ENJOY OUR LIVES! 

The beauty is that "Caught up in the middle of your embrace, all I have surrendered Lord to your name, Jesus I'm forever singing your praise."

P.S for those of you who have been feeling like you have to change and get your life together before coming to God; just letting you know... you just come to God as you are. He's the sculptor, the architect, and the author of your lives. Let him take care of what you need and where you're going.
 You just come and jump around looking crazy with me to this song. 


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